Sims apartment life fireplace recolor
Sims apartment life fireplace recolor

Under the career menu sims can set their job status to unemployed. On the Hobbies menu hobbies can be set to zero(individually or all of them). On the Skills menu all regular skills can be set to zero(individually or all of them). On the Cure sickness menu Sims can now cure themselves, the entire lot, or the entire neighborhood.


Today there is a update to the Sim Manipulator(the mod). Can be for a single sim or all sims on lot. Under the Health Menu Sims can alter their current temperature to Very Cold(Freezes Solid), Cold, Normalize, Hot, Or Very Hot(Heat Stroke). New Menu Alter Aspirations Points under Aspiration menu Will allows sims to add or subtract 1 to 30000 points from themselves. Under Delete Sim menu sims can remove all sims on lot but currently selected sim. Day will not reset back to the day it should be at midnight. Under Alter Time menu sims can now alter the day of the week. All Females On Lot, All Males On Lot, All Females In Neighborhood, and All Males In Neighborhood. Under Quick Relations menu there are four new groups to use. Includes sims that have no aspiration, teens and older who have the grow up aspiration, or children and younger who don't have the grow up aspiration. Excludes special or non-social sims like the Grim Reaper. New menu Fix Aspiration: Will scan the entire neighborhood for sims with an invalid aspiration and set it to a random valid aspiration. New menu Enable Save: allows sims to re-enable the save, neighborhood, build mode, buy mode buttons.

sims apartment life fireplace recolor sims apartment life fireplace recolor

Under Change Cloths menu sims can now change into Outerwear. New menu Set Zodiac: Allows sims to set their zodiac sign, Includes pets.

sims apartment life fireplace recolor

Putting Children and teens in Private school will now give them proper memories and wants satisfied(Includes parents). Giving a child or teen an A+ in school will now give them the proper memories and wants satisfied(Includes Family as well). Does not require the University expansion pack. They do not need to know the sim nor do they need any money. Sims can now resurrect any sim in the current neighborhood. Today the Sim Manipulator(mod) has been updated with several new features and bug fixes.

Sims apartment life fireplace recolor